The core of the UBC Archives holdings are textual records, produced in the course of the activities of their creators, which document the history of the University and its community. These records are acquired by the Archives from the University and its constituent offices (faculties, schools, departments, and institutes); independent student, alumni, and employee organizations; and prominent faculty and alumni.
With a few minor exceptions, these textual records have not been digitized. Access to them is provided through the inventories listed here — researchers must cite the fonds or collection title and the box number. The records themselves may then be examined and read in the RBSC/Archives reading room.
All inventories are in .PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
N.B. More comprehensive listings of photographs, audio recordings, and films and videos are available elsewhere.
Access to Institutional Records
Researchers are reminded that access to institutional records (that is, records created or maintained by University offices) is governed by Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) legislation.
Requests to access institutional records (indicated by: ***) must be reviewed by Archives staff or by the University’s FOIPOP Coordinator.
In some cases, a Research Agreement also may be required.
Use of Private Records
Non-UBC records and private archives are open to researchers, subject to donor-imposed limitations. However, researchers are strongly advised to check with the University Archives regarding permission to publish or otherwise use such materials.
Research Visit Notification
Retrieval time for archival materials can be reduced by calling or e-mailing a day or two in advance. This gives staff time to pull the requested material from storage and have it ready upon the researcher’s arrival in the Archives office.
About fonds and collections
Archival material is arranged and described as either fonds or collections .
A fonds consists of the records (textual, photographic, audiovisual, cartographic, etc.) created or acquired and maintained by an individual or an organization in the natural course of his/her/its activities.
A collection is an artificial accumulation of documents, gathered by an individual or an organization, devoted to a single theme, person, event, or type of record.
Unless stated otherwise in the index, records held by the University Archives are maintained as fonds. Entries for collections list the name of their collector. |
- Aberle, David
- Aboriginal Forestry Collection / J. Harry G. Smith (collector)
- Academic Women’s Association
- Acadia Camp Householders’ Association
- Adaskin, Frances Marr
- Adaskin, Gordon
- Adaskin, Harry
- Administrative, Adult, and Higher Education, Department of ***
- Agricultural Economics, Department of ***
- Agricultural Engineering and Farm Building Collection / Leonard Staley (collector)
- Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of ***
- Agricultural Undergraduate Society
- Agriculture Club
- Agronomy, Department of ***
- Aguzzi-Barbagli, Danilo
- Akrigg, Philip and Helen
- ALGOL 68
- Alma Mater Society (NOTE)
- Alpha Tau Omega
- Alumni Association
- Alumni Association – Speakers Bureau
- Ames, Michael M.
- Anderson, Joan
- Angel, Leonard
- Angus Family
- Animal Husbandry, Department of ***
- Animal Science, Department of ***
- APEC Inquiry — see B.C. Civil Liberties Association – APEC Inquiry
- APEC Inquiry Collection (various collectors)
- Applied Science, Faculty of ***
- Architecture, School of ***
- Argue, Kenneth F.
- Armed Forces at UBC Oral History Collection
- Arts, Faculty of ***
- Asia Pacific Business Institute ***
- Association of Administrative and Professional Staff
- Association of Professors Emeriti
- Astell, Caroline
- At Home in the Universe: The Life and Times of William Shatner
- Athletics and Recreation, Department of ***
- Audiology and Speech Sciences, School of ***
- Awards and Financial Aid Office ***
- B.C. Civil Liberties Association – APEC Inquiry
- B.C. Fisheries Research Collection / Keith Ralston (collector)
- B.C. Midwifery Collection / Davies, Megan (collector)
- B.C. Studies ***
- Baker, Ronald
- Banfield, W. Orson
- Bankson, Douglas H.
- Barss, Alden
- Bartroli, Tomas
- Beesley, J. Alan
- Belshaw, Cyril
- Bescoby, Isabel
- Bewley, Lois
- Biely, Jacob
- Binning, B.C.
- Biological Discussion Club
- Birney, Earle
- Birney, Esther
- Bitter Paradise: The Sell-out of East Timor
- Black, Charlotte S.
- Black, Sam
- Bluman, George
- Board of Governors ***
- Bob Hindmarch Collection
- Boggs, Theodore
- Bollert, Mary Louise
- Bookstore ***
- Borden, Alice V.
- Borden, Charles E.
- Boss, Arthur Evan
- Botany, Department of ***
- Bourne, Charles
- Boving, Paul A.
- Brave New Play Rites
- Breen, David
- Bringhurst, Robert
- Brink, V.C.
- Britannia Mine Oral History Project Collection / UBC Department of History (collector)
- British Columbia Ecological Reserves
- British Columbia Medical Centre Collection / UBC Library (collector)
- British Columbia MLA Project
- British Columbia Union Catalogue
- Brock, R.W.
- Brown, J.G.
- Brown, Lorne and May
- Bruneau, William
- Buck, Frank
- Budd Family
- Budget and Planning, Office of ***
- Bulhak, George
- Bullock, Michael
- Burgess, R.E.
- Burnett Collection / Frank Burnett (collector)
- Burridge, Kenelm O.L.
- Bursar’s Office ***
- Business, Sauder School of — see Sauder School of Business
- Butterfield, Rita
- Cairns, Alan
- Calam, John
- Campbell, James
- Campus and Community Planning ***
- Campus Building Specifications Collection / William O. Richmond (collector)
- Campus Planning and Development – see Campus and Community Planning
- Canadian Children’s Illustrated Book Project
- Canadian Literature ***
- Canadian Officers’ Training Corps – Western University Battallion Collection / Combined Services Trust Committee (collector)
- Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (CSECS)
- Canadian Unity Collection / Charles Connaghan (collector)
- Canadians in IFLA History Project
- Cannery Research Collection / Frances Woodward (collector)
- Cannon, G. Harry
- Carney, Patricia
- Carrier, Lois J.
- Cecil and Ida Green Lecture Series ***
- Cedar Lodge Society
- Central, Eastern, and Northern European Studies, Department of ***
- Centre for Continuing Education — see Continuing Education
- Centre for Human Settlements ***
- Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology ***
- Ceremonies Office ***
- Chambers, Alan
- Chancellor’s Office ***
- Chant, Sperrin
- Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of ***
- Chemistry, Department of ***
- Chinese Canadian Research Collection / Edgar Wickberg (collector)
- Chipman, Renee
- Chong, Kevin
- Cinema 16 Collection / A.C. Killip (collector)
- CiTR Radio — see Radio Society
- Civilian Protection School
- Clark, Robert H.
- Clark, Robert J.
- Clark, Robert M.
- Class of 1916 (Arts)
- Class of 1923 (Arts)
- Class of 1925 (Arts)
- Class of 1926 (Arts)
- Class of 1931. Valedictory Gift Committee
- Class of 1935 Collection / Dorothy B. (McRae) Osborne (collector)
- Classics Club
- Clemens, Wilbert A.
- Clement, Frederick
- Coghill, Joy
- Cohn, Werner
- Coldwell, Joan
- Combined Services Trust Fund
- Commerce and Business Administration, Faculty of — see Sauder School of Business
- Community and Regional Planning, School of (SCARP) ***
- Community Arts Council of Vancouver Collection / Melva Dwyer (collector)
- Community Learning Initiative ***
- Community Relations ***
- Computing Centre — see UBC Information Technology (IT)
- Confederation of University Faculty Associations of B.C.
- Conference of Learned Societies Committee on Arrangements ***
- Continuing Education ***
- Convocation ***
- Conway, John
- Cook, Helen
- Cooke Family
- Copp, Douglas Harold
- Corporation, The
- Cottingham, Mollie E.
- Coulthard, Jean
- Craddock, Michael
- Creative Writing, Department of ***
- Creelman, Lyle
- Criminology Programme Collection / Elmer “Kim” Nelson (collector)
- Cudmore, Lois and Ralph
- Current Anthropology
- Curtis, George F.
- Dahlstrom, Helen
- Daniells, Laurenda
- Daniells, Roy
- Davidson, John
- “Day of Concern” Collection / Ture Erickson (collector)
- De Bruyn, Jan
- De Jong, Sybren Hendrik
- Dean of Women ***
- Dennison, John
- Detwiller, Lloyd
- Development Office ***
- Dianne Longson – UBC Campus Photographs
- Dirom, Gavin
- Dolman, Claude E.
- Duff, Wilson
- Duncan, James P.
- Duranti, Luciana
- Eagles, Blythe
- Eastman, S. Mack
- Economics, Department of ***
- Edelstein-Keshet, Leah
- Education, Faculty of ***
- Elder, Jean
- Elitha Peterson Productions -“Champions for Change” fonds
- Elliott, Gordon
- Elrod, J. McRee
- Engineering Physics ***
- Engineering Undergraduate Society
- English, Department of ***
- English Literature Research Collection / David Macaree (collector)
- Enrolment Services ***
- Epstein, Norman
- Extra-Sessional Studies, Office of ***
- Facilities Planning, Department of – see Campus and Community Planning
- Faculty ***
- Faculty Association of the University of British Columbia
- Faculty Club ***
- Faculty Women’s Club
- Faculty Women’s Club Oral History Project
- Fahrni, Brock
- Family and Nutritional Sciences, School of ***
- Faris Committee Collection / Gordon Selman (collector)
- Festival of the Contemporary Arts
- Fields, Donald B.
- Financial Services ***
- Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada Collection / Juta Kitching (collector)
- Fischer, David
- Fisheries Centre ***
- Flanagan, Eileen
- Food Science, Department of ***
- Forestry, Department of ***
- Forestry, Faculty of ***
- Fournier, Leslie
- Fowler, Horace
- Fraser, Charles M.
- Fraser River Hydro and Fisheries Research Project
- Fraser River Model Project
- Fredeman, William E.
- Friedman, Sydney M.
- Friesen, Margaret
- Fulton, E. Margaret
- Gage, Walter H.
- Geography, Department of ***
- Gibbard, John E.
- Gibson, William
- Gibson, William C.
- Gilroy, Marion
- Gnup, Frank T.
- Gonzaga, Sister Mary – see Sister Mary Gonzaga Research Collection
- Goodall, Edward
- Gossage, Carolyn
- Gough, Kathleen
- Grace, Sherrill
- Graduate Historical Society
- Graduate Student Society
- Graduate Studies, Faculty of ***
- Grant, Muriel
- Gray, Mabel F.
- Gregg, Robert J. – see Survey of Vancouver English
- Greig, Janet
- Griffith, William
- Guided Independent Study / UBC Access
- Haddock, Philip G.
- Hagler, Ronald
- Haig-Brown, Valerie
- Hardwick, Walter
- Harlow, Neal
- Harnetty, Peter
- Harrington, Walter
- Harris, Cole
- Harrison, Lionel
- Harry Hawthorn Foundation
- Harshenin, Alex
- Haweis Family
- Hawthorn, Harry
- Hayward, Douglas
- Health, Safety, and Environment, Department of ***
- Health Sciences Centre ***
- Health Sciences Historical Society
- Hill, Mary
- Hindmarch, Bob — see Bob Hindmarch Collection
- Historical Society of the University of British Columbia
- Historical Sound and Moving Image Collection / UBC Archives (collector) — MemoryBC
- History, Department of ***
- History of Medicine in British Columbia Collection/ John H. MacDermot (collector)
- History of Education Research Collection / John Neil Sutherland (collector)
- History of Women at UBC Project
- Holland, Laura
- Home Economics, School of — see Family and Nutritional Sciences, School of
- Hood, Margaret
- Hooper, Thomas
- Howard, Henry M.
- Howes, John F.
- Humphrey, Ruth
- Humphries, Charles W.
- Hunter, John
- Hutchinson, Andrew
- Kahn, Sharon E.
- Karl Terzaghi Research Collection / Charles F. Ripley (collector)
- Keel, Eileen
- Kendall, Nicholas
- Kenny, Douglas T.
- Kerr, Robert
- Kinesiology, School of ***
- Kirkness, Verna J.
- Klinck, Leonard Sylvanus
- Knapp, F. Malcolm
- Knox, John Lewis
- Koerner House — see Thea Koerner House Graduate Student Centre
- Kröller, Eva-Marie
- Labour Relations Research Collection / Mark Thompson (collector)
- Lamb Research Collection / W. Kaye Lamb (collector)
- Land and Building Services ***
- Landscape Architecture Program ***
- Lane, William T.
- Larkin, Peter A.
- Law, Faculty of ***
- Lawrence, Joseph
- Laycock, Samuel
- Learning Exchange
- Leek, Walter
- Lehmann, Fritz
- Leith, Anna
- Lett, Sherwood — see Sherwood Lett Collection / Reginald H. Roy (collector)
- Letters Club
- Leung, S. Wah
- Levitan, Seymour
- Lewis Family
- Library ***
- Library Assistants’ Association
- Library, Archival and Information Studies, School of (SLAIS) ***
- Liersch, John
- Literary and Scientific Department
- Livestock Club
- Logan Family
- Longson, Dianne – see Dianne Longson – UBC Campus Photograph fonds
- L’Ordre du Radis Manifique
- Lowe, Lawrence
- Luft, Erhard
- McCrae, Helen
- McCreary, John F.
- McDill, William A.
- MacDonald, Wilbert Lorne
- MacDonald, Ken
- Macdonald, John B.
- Macdonald Report on Higher Education in British Columbia Collection / William Tetlow (collector)
- McDonald, Robert A.J.
- McFarland, William
- McGill University College of British Columbia ***
- McGregor, Gordon
- MacKay, Donald
- McKechnie, D.C.
- McKechnie, Robert E.
- MacKenzie, N.A.M. (Norman)
- McLean, Margaret
- McLennan, Lester Winston
- MacLeod, Cameron
- MacLeod, Hector
- McNeil, Florence Ann
- MacPhee, E.D.
- McWhirter, George
- Maier, Wilhelm J.
- Maillard, Keith
- Manufacturing Consent
- Marchak, Patricia
- Margaret A. Ormsby Oral History Project
- Margaret Rushton Theatre Collection
- Marion Lake Project
- Marsh, Leonard
- Martin, Dick
- Mathematics, Department of ***
- Mathews, W.H.
- Mattessich, Richard
- Measday, David
- Mechanical Engineering, Department of ***
- Medical Expedition to Easter Island (M.E.T.E.I.) Collection
- Medicine, Department of ***
- Medicine, Faculty of ***
- Medieval Studies, Committee for ***
- Men’s Athletic Association
- Men’s Undergraduate Society
- Meredith, Laurence
- Messenger, William
- Micou, Ann
- Miller, Craig
- Moe, G.G.
- Montague, John Tait
- Moogk, Peter — see Peter Moogk Research Collection
- Moore, Milton
- Morehart, Mary J.
- Music, School of
- Musical Society (MUSSOC)
- Pacific Affairs ***
- Pacific Educational Press ***
- Pacific Relations, Institute of — see Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR)
- Palmer, Guy
- Palmer, Harry
- Panych, Morris
- Paperny Films
- Parminter, Alfred
- Parnall, John A.E.
- Pathology, Department of ***
- Pearse, Peter
- Peebles, Allon
- Peggy Thompson Film Research Collection
- Peter Moogk Research Collection
- Peterat, Linda
- Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies ***
- Philosophy, Department of ***
- Phrateres, Theta Chapter
- Physical Plant ***
- Physics, Department of ***
- Pilton, James
- Pinkus, Philip
- Piternick, Anne
- Plant Science, Division of ***
- Players’ Club
- Players’ Club Alumni
- Playhouse Holiday
- Poultry Science, Department of ***
- Prang, Margaret
- Pretious, Edward
- President’s Office — MemoryBC ***
- Prism International ***
- Psychiatry, Department of ***
- Psychology, Department of ***
- Public Affairs Office ***
- Pulleyblank, Edwin
- Radio Society (CiTR)
- Ralston, Keith
- Read, Frank
- Registrar’s Office ***
- Reid, Philip Edward
- Research Services, Office of ***
- Resources Office ***
- Rice, Alison
- Richards, Albert E.
- Richards, James
- Ricou, Laurie
- Riddehough, Geoffrey
- Ridington, William (Robin)
- Ridington Family
- Robertson, Lemuel F.
- Robinson, J. Lewis
- Rogatnick, Abraham
- Ronimois, Hans
- Rose, William
- Rosenbluth, Gideon
- Ross, Ian
- Rothstein, Samuel
- Rowles, Charles A.
- Rule, Jane
- Ruppenthal, Karl — see Transportation Management Research Collection
- Ruus, Eugen
- Sadler, Wilfred
- Sage, Margaret
- Sage, Walter N.
- St. Clair-Sobell, James
- St. John’s College UBC
- Saltzman, Percy
- San Francisco Bay Map Collection / Neal Harlow (collector)
- Sauder School of Business ***
- Sawyer, Alan R.
- Scarfe, Neville V.
- Schlesinger, Joe
- Schofield, Stuart J.
- Schrodt, Barbara
- Scott, Anthony
- Seal, Ronald
- Sedgewick, Garnett G.
- Sekora, Zonia
- Senate ***
- Shearer, Ronald
- Sherwood Lett Collection / Reginald H. Roy (collector)
- Sigma Tau Chi
- Sister Mary Gonzaga Research Collection / Barbara Gibson (collector)
- Skagit Valley Research Collection / Ian Efford (collector)
- Slater, Ian
- Slavonic Studies, Department of ***
- Smedley, Geoffrey
- Smith, Anne
- Smith, Dorothy Blakey
- Smith, J. Harry G. — see Aboriginal Forestry Collection
- Smith, Marjorie V.
- Smith, Michael
- Social Science Research Institute ***
- Social Work, School of ***
- Somerset, Dorothy
- Sonthoff, Helen
- Sopron Division of Forestry Collection (various collectors)
- Soward, Frederick H.
- Spaulding, John Gordon
- Spencer, George J.
- Splane, Richard and Verna Huffman
- Steinberg, Moses
- Stephen, Ellen (OSH)
- Stokes, Roy
- Straker, Stephen
- Street, Margaret
- Stuart-Stubbs, Basil
- Student Protest Collection / Canadian Union of Students, UBC Chapter (collector)
- Summer Session Association
- Survey of Vancouver English
- Sustainable Development Research Institute ***
- Suzuki, David
- Symonds, Hilda
- Tansley, William
- Terzaghi, Karl — see Karl Terzaghi Research Collection
- Thea Koerner House Graduate Student Centre
- Thompson, Mark — see Labour Relations Research Collection
- Thompson, Berwick, Pratt & Partners
- Thompson, Peggy — see Peggy Thompson Film Research Collection
- Thomson, Watson
- Thornton, James E.
- Todd, Otis J.
- Topping, Coral
- Transportation Management Research Collection / Karl Ruppenthal (collector)
- TRIUMF (Tri-University Meson Facility)
- Turnbull, John M.
- Walker, David C.
- Walker, Doreen
- Wall Institute — see Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
- Ward, W. Peter
- Warren Family
- Watson Thomson Research Collection / Michael Welton (collector)
- Watney, Gertrude M.
- Watson, E.L.
- Watters, Reginald Eyre
- Weisgarber, Elliot
- Welton, Michael — see Watson Thomson Research Collection
- Wesbrook, Frank F.
- Westcoast Women’s Network
- Western Canada Art Circuit Collection / June Binkert (collector)
- Western Universities Battalion, “D” Company, 196th Battalion Collection
- Whittaker, David
- Whittaker, Elvi
- Wickberg, Edgar
- Wilby, George Van
- Williams, M.Y.
- Willmott, William E.
- Wilson, Jean
- Women’s and Gender Studies ***
- Women’s Athletic Association
- Women’s Research Centre
- Women’s Resource Centre ***
- Women’s Undergraduate Society
- Wood, Frederic
- Wood, Susan
- Woodcock, George
- Wright, Gladys