UBC is suspending classes today, September 18th, so that faculty, students, and staff can participate in the first day of the Vancouver National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. The National Event runs September 18th-21st at the Pacific National Exhibition, Hastings Park, Vancouver.
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It takes something of major significance like the TRC National Event for the University to suspend classes. Past interruptions to University programmes, however, have been in response to major crises rather than in conjunction with a significant scheduled event. In the fall of 1918, classes were suspended for five weeks due to the Spanish Influenza epidemic; in addition, all extra-curricular activities were cancelled, and many facilities at the old Fairview campus were converted into hospital wards for flu patients. During the Second World War, fuel shortages which restricted the use of cars by students forced the closure of UBC and cancellation of classes for five days in January 1943.