We’re back!
The University of British Columbia Archives has now re-opened, with limited public hours: 10am-2pm, Monday-Friday. Scheduled class visits can be accommodated outside of public reading room hours. When visiting, please be aware of UBC’s COVID-19 Campus Rules, including the mandatory wearing of non-medical masks in all indoor public areas. Please note that the Library’s Automated […]
Myth-busting the “Cows On Campus” Photograph
[This is an expanded version of an article originally published in Alumni UBC’s Grad Gazette in 2010] One of the enduring legends from the history of the University of British Columbia is that the Faculty of Agriculture’s dairy herd was once allowed to graze along Main Mall. But did this really happen? It is true that, during […]
New to the website
Recent additions and enhancements to the University Archives’ website include: Revised and enhanced our Indigenous Peoples Historical Resources – this includes a link to Verna Kirkness’ memorial tribute to the late Justice Thomas Berger, who together with Dr. Kirkness was instrumental in establishing the First Nations House of Learning Update to our list of faculty deans […]